Grain Magazine
Published from 1926 to 1957
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Dr. Charles S. Price
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The History of Golden Grain Magazine
When former Congregational pastor Charles S. Price
(1887-1947) left his Lodi, California, church for the evangelistic field, he
packed out auditoriums throughout North America during the Roaring 20s and
the Great Depression. He prayed for the sick and saw thousands respond to
his altar appeals. But he needed a medium to teach and keep in touch with
the people who were flocking to his meetings from every walk of life. Golden
Grain became the answer.
Beginning in 1926, Price introduced his Golden Grain as a monthly
periodical, which became a welcomed friend to thousands with its sermons,
testimonies, schedules, campaign reports, and photographs. For more than 20
years, until his death in 1947, Price published Golden Grain. Then for the
next 10 years, Evelyn Carvell edited the magazine.
In the year 1926, the Lord laid it upon the heart of Dr. Price to publish a monthly magazine that he called "Golden Grain" -- because the fields were ready for harvest. By this means he extended his ministry to the remote corners of the earth. The mechanical work of publishing the sermons was accomplished in various ways. sometimes a court reporter or stenographer took the messages as they were delivered from the platform. Still other times, one of his daughters would type the message on a portable typewriter while they were driving across the country from one appointment to another, It seemed every month's issue was brought forth in a special way.
At the time Dr. Price established residence in California, the "Golden Grain" office was in the State of Washington. God moved upon the heart of a business in the financial district of Los Angeles to share his office space with Dr. Price, rent free. For several years this was his headquarters, bountifully provided for by the hand of God. In later years, headquarters was established in Pasadena, California.
During the depression, Dr. Price allowed subscribers who were unable to pay subscriptions to obtain "Golden Grain" free of charge. He felt this was the time when they needed the added strength and encouragement, and he praised God for the opportunity to minister to them. .
The complete Golden Grain collection.
Scroll down at the IFPHC page to locate Golden Grain.
These CD-ROMs contains a directory of all the issues published between 1926-1957, which are linked to the issues themselves. An advanced search engine is also provided which allows you to search for a word or phrase on every page in every issue. At the same time Adobe's Image-Hidden-Text technology makes it possible for you to view the Golden Grain issues as they were originally laid out.