In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Published in the GOLDEN GRAIN - Volume ?? - Number ? - Date ??
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Suddenly, In The Twinkling Of An Eye A Sermon By Dr Charles S. Price |
Suddenly! Without warning!
Not in an
hour that we have planned but in a moment we think not! (Matt. 24:44). The
great event of history is about to occur…We cannot read the biblical account
of Christ’s glorious appearing without coming in contact with the elements
of speed and rhythm. It will be suddenly that the Lord will appear—any
moment! It will not necessarily be five—ten—or fifty years from now, but at
any moment. Are You Ready? There will be no time to make preparation. It was suddenly at the midnight hour when the cry came, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh" (Matt. 25:6). No time then to get oil in the lamps. No time left in which to make preparation which should have been made during the days of the past. When He comes, He will come suddenly. The speed of it and the rhythm of it—and the suddenness of it will catch the world unprepared and unawares. The Lord shall suddenly come to His temple. Do you think that when He comes again He will call a conference of prime ministers to form methods of procedure and plans whereby an ultimate peace can be worked out? How long did it take Galilee to quiet itself after He had spoken the Word? The storm caught the cadence of His voice. The tempest heard the Word that fell from His lips. The angry wind listened to the rhythm of His command—and something happened. Did the wind commence to die and after a few hours of struggle and striving, the forces of nature adjust themselves to become obedient to His Word? One minute it was a storm. The next minute it was a calm. Between the storm and the calm, He spoke! Suddenly! Without warning! That is how His coming will be. There will be no warning from the skies; nothing but warnings such as I am trying to give now…Instantly! Suddenly! Without any additional warning, one age will be over and another age will have begun. Heaven is prepared although the world is not. We do not profess to know the hour. We do not profess to be able to name the day. But within there is a still, small voice that keeps whispering, "Lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28). The Spirit and the Bride Say, "Come!" Do you remember when Jesus, the Holy One, came into the city riding on an ass? (Matt. 21:1-11). Riding in majesty, you say? No, He was riding in holy pomp to die. This time when He comes, the clouds shall be His chariot, and death and famine and pestilence shall flee before His conquering tread. Come, Thou once despised Jesus! Come, Thou Galilean King! I know it is night, but I am looking through the darkness toward the Golden East. Look, the Morning is breaking! Let the old age die. |