Published in the GOLDEN GRAIN - Volume 31 - Number 4 - September 1956
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![]() Thou needest to hear what the Spirit saith, and thou needest to meditate in the quiet of thy thinking on the things which the Spirit saith unto the churches, for He saith, "I have somewhat against thee." He commended them for that good part which had been done, but He makes known unto "him, who hath an ear," that which has been lacking. He, who determinedly thinketh his own thoughts, drifteth farther and farther away from "the path of knowing." The path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day, and thou needest to continually walk upon that path which is illumined from within; yea, illuminated from the very throne of God, and bringeth thee to thy desired haven. It is the path of the just, and, am I not the Justifier of the just? The just shall walk by faith and not by sight, but thou want est continually to know "what" the path, and "what" the end, and "what" the way! Yea, I say unto thee, thou needest to know ME, and thou wouldst have the answer within thine heart that I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, and BE SIDE ME THERE IS NONE OTHER! Am I not able to direct thy path and to choose for thee; and will I not call thee into that place of fellowship with Me and make known My ways unto thee? Meditate upon that which thou hast received of Me and be thou content in the calling wherewith thou art called! Be thou ready to give an answer to those who seek to know Me. Thine answer is received from Me when thou art in union with Me; and when thou art in union with Me, thou knowest all things, yet thou knowest not the way that I take, for My ways are above thy ways as heaven is above earth. Thou askest to know all things about the way, but I reveal unto thee THE WAY, and thou needest not to know that which satisfieth the questions of thine own heart. Thou needest to know what it means to be satisfied when thou walkest with Me in the way, and thou needest not inquire of the ways of the way, for thou art complete in Me! Thou needest to walk only in the Light and Understanding which I AM in thee. Follow on to know the Lord, and be ye content in that which I am in thee. Seek not to "know" but ask thou to be in union with Me, for I have called thee and chosen thee, and shown thee great and mighty things, and thou needest only to know the knowing that is of Me when thou dwellest continually in Me and I in thee! I shall robe thee in the knowing of My Being, and thou shalt find thy place of being, as thou findest contentment in that which I am in thee! Be thou limited unto Me, and I shall be around about thee as a wall of fire. I shall keep thee from thy straying. Thou needest not to turn to the right hand nor to the left, but thou needest to walk in a path of singleness of eye and singleness of purpose, for thy life is dedicated unto Me and thy walk is the walk of the circumcised. Let go that which thou hast in thy hand, and fear thou not to walk hilariously free in My Will, for thou knowest thou art complete in Me. I have called thee, chosen thee, and ordained thee that thou shouldst go forth and bring forth fruit, and as thou dost walk with Me and walk not in thinc own understanding, the fruit that thou shalt bring forth shall remain unto the glory of God thy Father, and to the extension of His kingdom. Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth, but keep thy will and thy way in perfect submission to Me, and I shall make thee to become a vessel fit and meet for the Master's use. Hold thou thyself in readiness, for in such an hour as thou knowest not the Lord thy God cometh to visit thee. Thou art made ready in the readiness of thy Lord, and thou art made complete in Me! Walk thou before Me and be thou perfect. Be thou mature and be thou open that I may fill thee with all the fulness of God, and I will give unto thee a name that is above every name. I shall make known unto thee the good pleasure of My Father and together We shall know as We are known, for I the Lord thy God hath called thee and will be thy portion. I shall enable thee to do that for which thou hast been called! Be thou faithful unto death and I shall give thee a crown of Life that fadeth not away. |