Published in the GOLDEN GRAIN - Volume 29 - Number 7 - December 1954
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![]() Release the Lord thy God from thy very innermost and lay aside thy preconceived ideas of what the Lord thy God doeth in such an hour as this, for thou must know that the Lord thy God, it is He that ministers through thee, and thou canst not do that which thou hast known before, so lay aside all that which thou hast stored up for another day. Use only that of which I tell tbee and I shall tell thee as thou art in union with Me. I shall tell thee that which thou needst to know and I shall not put upon thee that for the future but I shall tell thee that which is needed only a step at a time so that thou mayest know that thou canst not move to the right or to the left, for thou art called unto an hour which is the hour of the Lord thy God and it is expedient for thee that thou keepest in close proximity to thy Lord, for He moveth swiftly and He moveth directly and He moveth ac cording to the purpose of the Lord thy God and thou canst not know My purpose. Thou canst only know what I require of thee is a yielded life moment by moment. Let not the instruction of those that seek to direct thee pene trate in thy heart, for this I say unto thee is an hour the like of which thou hast never known and it cometh upon thee speedily and it taketh the form that thou art not familiar with. It taketh the form of the direction of the will of thy God and thou shalt know only as thou art willing to give way for the King. Make way for the King and He shall plant thy right foot in the step of His choosing and again He shall plant thy left foot in advance of thy right foot and He shall move thy right foot at an angle and thou shalt observe that when He moveth thy foot, thy whole body moveth in the directions of His choice. Thou needst to pay strict attention for thou hast learned the walk__the walk of the flesh__and thou hast learned to obey the thoughts of the flesh and in the hour which is this hour, thou needest to know what the definiteness of the walk in the Spirit actually is. For thee to walk in the Spirit, thou needest to be limbered by the Spirit that through the avenues of the Spirit thy course may be directed, for thou escapeth that which is at thy left side only as thou art moved about, sometimes swiftly by the direction of the Spirit that turneth thee to the right. Thou canst not hereafter walk after a hit-and-miss fashion, but mark well thy course, the course that the Spirit of the Living God directs immediately. Thou needest not to be perplexed nor apprehensive, but I have told thee that if thou art willing and obedient, thou shalt eat the good of the land and only that which is of the Lord is good for thee in this hour. Thou hast not chosen Me but I have chosen thee and ordained thee that thou mayest go forth and in thy going forth thou shalt be made conformable to that which is of Me. In times passed thou hast used the authority of My name, but I say unto thee, "The authority that I shall give thee shall be the authority thou hast when I direct thy course, for the course that I have chosen for thee is not a course of perplexity or confusion but it is the course that bringeth thee into the Father's house. That work which was given Me of My Father, the work of bringing into thy life the regenerating, transforming power of God, superseding all that which is of the will of man; I have declared unto thee that I will finish it. I shall bring thee out into a large place in Me, and thou shalt be satisfied when thou shalt awake in My likeness. That which thou now art shall be sur rendered to Me. Thou shalt be one with Me and together we shall inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for those that love God. Let the love of God penetrate thine heart and supersede all that thou hast meditated upon; yea, all that thou hast daily feared. Let the love of God cast out the fear that has hindered thee, and thou shalt know a Love that passeth all understanding, that shall keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge of Me. As thou art made one with Me, thou shalt inherit all that is Mine, for thou art heirs of God and joint heirs with lesus Christ: and henceforth thou shalt live to the glory and the honor of thy God. Walk softly in the way, for it is the hour of speed and con fusion; an hour of confusion and great remorse, an hour when men are losing the power to think as they ought to think; and they are relegated into the highways that move too swiftly for them to comprehend what their course will bring them. The Lord thy God is a jealous God and He desireth thine whole heart for His habitation. Move diligently in the course that He shall make plain unto thee. Thou shalt be kept in the quiet ness and holiness of the Presence of thy God, and though thou find thy course on the speeding highways of man's activity of this hour, thou shalt be kept in the way and thou shalt know of the blessing and the holy quietness of thy God's presence. Thou shalt find a way within a way. In union with thy God, thou shalt find a place of tranquility, a place of quiet confidence; and thou shalt move in the course of thy God and be made ready for thy King. |